Sound Testing & Analysis

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sound testing analysis

Sound/Acoustical Testing Analysis

Increasingly sound has become an important factor in product differentiation. Not only can the appropriate sound level produced by a product be a source of competitive advantage, the subjective qualities of the sound can lead a customer to choose one product over another.sound testing

The low frequency thunk sound of a car door closing, is one of the first impressions that a customer looks for in a solid, quality car. The satisfying click of a switch or the whisper of a dishwasher are all sounds that are now routinely engineered into products.

Using a portable multi-channel data acquisition sound testing system, we can acquire sound either within our in-house quiet room or on-sight and in-vehicle using microphones or the binaural (Aachen) head.

Sound Testing Analysis Methods

Specific sound testing expertise with:

  • Ford Simple Sound Quality Tool (SSQT)
  • Window regulators, latches, liftgates
  • Pedals and parking brakes PF-12460 Pedal box actuation noise
  • Seat adjusters
  • Switches
  • Switch Sound Bench Test CETP: 18.03-L-400
  • Ford Manual Parking Brake System Sound Quality
  • Electromechanical products
  • Evaluation of Room Noise ANSI/ASA S12.2

sound testing services

A2LA ISO 17025 accredited 1942.01

Sound Testing Analysis Standards

The detail requirements which describe your sound testing and analysis project are usually found within standard test methods. These methods are tailored to meet the requirements of different industries.
Paragon Systems technical staff are experienced with automotive, rail transport, electronics, military and shipping test methods.
Our sound testing and analysis services include the following standards

American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA)

AREMA Part 11.5.1

ASTM International

ASTM C192 / C192M, ASTM D395, ASTM D4169, ASTM E587, ASTM D999, ASTM D4728, ASTM D4169

BellCore Telcordia

BellCore GR-63-CORE 5.4.2, 5.4.3

British Standards Institute

BS EN 60068-2 Series (-6, 50, 51, 53, 64), BS EN61373, BS EN 50155

California OSHPD Code Application Notice (US)

CAN 2-1708A.5

Defence Standard (UK)

DEF STAN 00-35, DEF STAN 08-123

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IEEE 344, IEEE 693, ASCE 7-10, AC 156, GR-63-CORE

International Code Council

ICC AC-156

International Electromechanical Commission

IEC 68-2-59, Test Fe, IEC 68-2-26, IEC 68-2-34, Test Fd,  IEC 68-2-35, Test Fda, IEC 68-2-6, IEC 60068-2-64, Test Fc, IEC 61373, IEC 60945, Section 8.7, IEC 60079-29 (-1, 4)

International Organization for Standardization

ISO 1940-1, ISO 10816-1/6, ISO 16750-3

International Safe Transit Association


Japanese Industrial Standards

JIS D 1601, JIS E 3014

JEDEC Solid State Technology Association

JESD22 B103B

General Motors Worldwide

GMW 3172

Military Standard (US)

MIL-STD- 167, MIL-STD-202 E/F/G (Method 201), MIL-STD-202 E/F/G (Method 204), MIL-STD-202 E/F/G (Method 214), MIL-E 5272, MIL-STD-810 E/F/G (Methods 514, 519), MIL-STD 883 G/H (Method 2005), MIL-STD 883 G/H (Method 2007), MIL-STD 1344 A Method 2005)

Netherlands Standardization Institute

NEN-ISO 10326


SAE International

SAE J575, SAE J1211, SAE J1455, SAE J1810

United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

UN ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5 Para.

Verein Deutscher Ingenieure

VDI 2057-1,2, VDI 2059-1,3,4,5

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