automotive bsr testing

Automotive BSR Testing

How do I conduct a BSR test? A BSR (buzz, squeak and rattle) test is deceptively simple to perform. All you need to do is shake the object that you’re interested in evaluating and listen for any noise that emanates from the object. For smaller light objects that’s what an engineer can actually do to[…]

Cyclic Corrosion Lab Testing

The quality and durability of automotive exterior finishes has improved dramatically in the last 20 to 30 years. The dismal corrosion protection performance of the 70’s and 80’s still within the memory of many car owners today. In the past a new car owner, especially those in the North Eastern North America, could consider themselves[…]

product testing

Product Testing: Automobile Manufacturing Industry

Product Testing: Automobile Manufacturing Industry To manufacture vehicles which customers want to buy them is quite a demanding and highly competitive business. Manufacturers invest millions on research and development to enhance their vehicles and to gain a competitive edge over their competitors and they go extra miles (no pun intended) in their attempts to keep[…]